Nhiệt kế đất

  • Mã sản phẩm: 4-230-01
  • Quy cách (Đóng gói): 1 piece
  • Giá nhà sản xuất: 3,976,000 ¥

Đặc tính và thông số kỹ thuật

Size (mm): 196 x 50 x 21
Weight (g): 74
Measurement range: EC/0.0 to 4.0mS/cm, Temperature/0 to 50 ℃
Measurement accuracy: EC (0.0 to 2.0mS/cm)/±0.05mS/cm, EC (2.0 to 4.0mS/cm)/±0.3mS/cm, Temperature/±1 ℃
Calibration: Automatic one-point calibration (At 1413μS/cm)
EC electrode: Stainless steel with built-in temperature sensor (Integrated body length 114 mm)
Temperature compensation: automatic
Power supply : CR 2032 Button battery x 1 piece (test attachment)
Accessories: Electrode protection sleeve