Máy kiểm tra momen Torque Checker IT-20

  • Thương hiệu: JISC
  • Mã sản phẩm: 2-2757-02
  • Quy cách (Đóng gói): 1 piece
  • Giá nhà sản xuất: 26,000,000 ¥

Đặc tính và thông số kỹ thuật

Model number: IT-20

Maximum torque capacity (N・m): 20

Resolution (N・m): 0.01

Maximum capacity: 20N・m

Minimum resolution: 0.01N・m

Accuracy: +/-0.5%FS or less

Allowable load: 200%FS (over load stopper equipment)

A/D conversion: 16bit

Sampling: 640Hz

With memory function

Interface: RS232C

Input and output: Printer, Digimatic, Centro output (I/F required)

Power supply: Nickel hydrogen rechargeable battery (included) or AC adapter (included)

Size: 230 x 150 x 60mm

Weight: Approx 3.3kg
