Máy kiểm tra độ tĩnh điện MIDORI ANZEN MES-400

  • Thương hiệu: MIDORI ANZEN
  • Mã sản phẩm: 65-2053-29
  • Quy cách (Đóng gói): 1 set
  • Giá nhà sản xuất: 23,790,000 ¥

Đặc tính và thông số kỹ thuật

Width (mm): 200

Depth (mm): 40

Height (mm): 130

Shoe electrode width (mm): 160

Judgment level accuracy: less than 100 megohms. + -. 10%/100 megohms or more. + -. 20%

Measuring time: About 3 seconds

Measured voltage: (shoe) 24 VDC, (wrist strap) 10 VDC

Measured maximum current (at short circuit): 25 microA or less

Measurement mode: (all mode) shoe left to shoe right to wrist strap, (shoe mode) shoe left to shoe right, (wrist strap mode) wrist strap only

Specifications Temperature and humidity range: 0 deg. C to 40 deg. C 90% RH or less (However, no condensation)

Dimensions: (measuring part) 200 mm x 130 mm x 40 mm, (shoe side electrode part) 350 mm x 160 mm x 35 mm

Communication: USB B type (measurement data can be transferred to Windows PC using dedicated communication data display software) * Communication data display software can be downloaded free of charge from the website for purchasers only.

Power supply: AC adapter (6V DC)

Wriststrap check function: Upper limit: 10 megohm Lower limit: 0.75 megohm

Shoes check function: Judgment setting value can be changed for both upper and lower limits (Upper limit: 10 megohms, 100 megohms, 1000 megohms) (Lower limit: 0.1 megohms, 1 megohm)

Set Contents/Accessories: AC Adapter

Note:It is not explosion-proof.

Country of origin: Japa

Securities Code: 208 -5218
