Hóa chất vi sinh Accudia™ NGKG Agar Base Medium Granules 300g 05282

  • Thương hiệu: Nissui
  • Mã sản phẩm: 65-9404-78
  • Quy cách (Đóng gói): 1 piece
  • Giá nhà sản xuất: 1,914,000 ¥

Đặc tính và thông số kỹ thuật

Model: 05282

Packaging: 300g

Storage method: Store at room temperature (moisture proof)

Size: W9cm x H20cm x D9cm

This medium was developed to selectively isolate and detect Bacillus cereus in food.

Separation is enhanced by reducing the amount of peptone and replacing it with glycine.

Since Bacillus cereus uses glycine to make the medium alkaline, the medium around the colonies becomes cloudy red (egg yolk reaction positive).
