Bộ đếm RS Pro 4 Digit, Mechanical, Counter 710-5212

  • Thương hiệu: RS PRO
  • Mã sản phẩm: 63-4997-41
  • Quy cách (Đóng gói): 1 piece
  • Giá nhà sản xuất: 276,000 ¥

Đặc tính và thông số kỹ thuật

Model number: 710-5212


Display Type : Mechanical

Input Type : Manual

Reset Method : Manual

Number of Digits : 4

Mounting Type : Surface Mount

Count Direction : Up

Digit Height : 4 mm

Cutout Height : 39mm

CODE No.:710-5212

Hand held/desk mounted – resettable. A range of tally counters offering either a hand held or desk mounted single tally counter, or a 4-way desk mounted bank of tally counters. These are suitable for applications such as traffic monitoring, pedestrian or footfall crowd counting, airline passenger totalisation and many more. Positive action mechanism for accurate counting with feedback Easy to use reliable count mechanism
